Billy Childish Chatham Super 8 DVD

Billy Childish Chatham Super 8 DVD

The full backcatalogue of all films made by the
Chatham Super 8 Cinema

Billy Childish, Julie Hamper, Wolf Howard and Simon Williams

DVD issued by the L-13 Light Industrial Workshop

1. the impossible shoulder leap of death
2. smoking yoga
3. the excelsior shaving and emergency shaving mirror
4. medwat wheelers
5. death letter blues
6. punk rock ist nicht tot
7. i love that girl ammonia
8. troubled mind
9. brass monkey
10. every bit of me
11. the bull’s nose chatham cockyard
12. the man with the gallows eyes
13. maconechie’s stew
14. the proferssor of confessional art
14. interview with billy childish